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How to Get Your Kids Interested in Sports and Physical Activity: Top 10 Tips

How to Get Your Kids Interested in Sports and Physical Activity: Top 10 Tips

Hot Ground Gym
How to Get Your Kids Interested in Sports and Physical Activity: Top 10 Tips

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Introducing your kids to sports and physical activity is a great way to promote their overall well-being and instill healthy habits from an early age. However, getting them interested and engaged in these activities may sometimes prove to be a challenge.

In this blog post, our team at Hot Ground Gym will explore effective strategies and ideas to help spark your kid's interest in sports and physical activity. From after-school day classes and team-building exercises to exciting obstacle course challenges, there are plenty of opportunities to make physical activity fun for your kids, encouraging them to move more and reap the benefits of an active lifestyle.

Why Is My Kid Not Interested in Sports?

Seventy percent of kids quit sports by the age of 13 and cite their lack of fun as the number one reason for losing interest in structured physical activity. Keeping kids interested in sports can be a challenge as they get older. Occasionally, it's not so much that they're not enjoying themselves, but rather other life interests begin to eclipse their love of sports; social media, increasingly demanding school curriculums, and a growing social life begin to take center stage.

This is particularly prevalent in most kids who don't play a first-team sport. But then those who show outstanding sporting abilities may still lose interest because their parent's desire for them to achieve outweighs their own passion, they're under too much pressure to perform, or team dynamics don't gel. Of course, sometimes, a child just doesn't care for sports and would prefer to dance, for example. Regardless, a child losing interest in sports isn't the end of the world — there are ways to get them moving!

Why Is Physical Activity So Important?

Why Is Physical Activity So Important?

Physical activity is crucial for kids for several reasons:

  • Healthy growth: It promotes healthy physical growth, bone development, and muscle strength.
  • Mental health: Physical activity reduces stress and anxiety, and boosts mood, aiding in mental well-being.
  • Weight management: It helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk of obesity-related issues.
  • Social skills: Participation in sports fosters teamwork, communication, and social interaction.
  • Discipline: It instills discipline, dedication, and time management.
  • Academic performance: Regular exercise can improve cognitive function and concentration, benefiting academic performance.
  • Motivation: In school sports, students need to keep up a certain grade average to play. This rule can encourage them to do well in their studies.

Overall, physical activity sets a strong foundation for a healthy and fulfilling life for kids.

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10 Ways to Encourage Your Kids to Be Physically Active

From family activities to setting an example and encouraging them to play outdoors, here's how to make your child love sports and other structured physical activities.


Did you know that children under five years old should be active for at least 180 minutes per day? This doesn't have to be all at once, nor does it need to be formal sports. Water-based activities and home environments that stimulate movement experiences like climbing and crawling are good.

Everyday activities that promote coordination from a young age, like throwing and catching, riding a scooter, trampolining, running, and playing can motivate kids to love exercise. Because young children spend a fair amount of time in strollers, it's vital they remain active to develop healthy bodies and minds.



When physical activity is part of a family's lifestyle, it becomes second nature to kids. It could be going on hikes, cycling, or playing a family sport. Combining family time with physical activity builds lifelong habits. Children often carry family-time traditions into their adulthood, one of which could be a form of exercise. If children have fun, they’ll connect physical activity with a sense of community. Exercising together also encourages teamwork, strengthening family bonds and ties, while also imparting valuable lessons about cooperation and group dynamics.


Wondering how to raise your child to love exercise? Lead by example. Developmental psychologists have long known that children learn by imitating adults. Being an active role model is one of the best ways of getting kids interested in sports. Parents who partake in sports and find it a positive experience will rub off on their kids.

What parents do and say profoundly guide a child's behavior, attitudes, and beliefs in the present and long term. Those who actually look after their physical health and wellbeing stand a stronger chance of motivating their kids because actions speak louder than words. And if you don't play sports, it's never too late to start.


Playing outside gives children the chance to explore the natural environment, test their physical limits, and exercise. Try to limit screen time and encourage your children to play in the yard instead. Making time to visit the local park is a low-cost and easy option to get your kid outside the house if you don't have a garden. Family trips with an emphasis on the outdoors like camping are also a great way to encourage active play in the fresh air.


Experts agree that children aren't ready for competitive sports until they are at least eight years old. Their minds aren't yet developed to handle the stresses of being measured and scored on their performance. Until then, you can teach them the basic skills of any sport. For example, learning how to swing a plastic bat, kick a ball, or swim will build good technique before they join recreational leagues. At a young age, the focus should be on fun and fundamentals rather than competing.


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Teaching kids to love sports starts at home. Parents who actively participate in sports with their kids play a significant role in initiating and sustaining a child's sports participation and positive mindset towards maintaining physical fitness through life. Kids who grow up with inactive parents will likely emulate the same behavior. Sharing in active play with your kid isn't just a good way to get their hearts pumping; it's also a way to family bond and teaches important life skills.


It's never good for parents to live vicariously through their kids. Keeping kids interested in sports requires careful encouragement without being too pushy. There’s no single way for a parent to support their child. Communication is key, so take the time to find out your child's goals and aims for the sport they play. This will help you work alongside them to ensure they have the best experience instead of projecting your agenda onto their ambitions.



To get kids interested in sports and physical activities, it's important to let them pick which activity they want to play. Consider your child's skills and interests to guide their decision. Whether they prefer team sports or individual activities, allowing them to choose fosters a sense of ownership and enthusiasm. By letting them explore activities that align with their passions, they’re more likely to stay engaged and involved in playing sports and maintaining an active lifestyle.


A Canadian study found that kids who play several sports were 55% more likely to participate in recreational athletics five years later than those who didn't play any sports or who specialized in only one. Children who play diverse sports are less prone to injury caused by consistent training of one set of muscles. They also develop a wider variety of skills that contribute to overall physical competence, which increases their chances of enjoying the sports they play.


Getting kids interested in sports and physical activities requires a thoughtful approach to timing. It's essential to be realistic about their schedules and energy levels. The best time to exercise for kids may vary, but generally, mornings are great for younger children, as they tend to have more energy after a good night's sleep.

Afternoons can work well for school-aged kids, allowing them to unwind and release pent-up energy after classes. Evenings can be suitable for family activities, promoting bonding and physical fitness. By considering their daily routines and preferences, parents and caregivers can make exercise an enjoyable and sustainable habit for children.

Don't Stay Home, Play at Camp!

Give kids the ultimate day off from school at Hot Ground Gym day camps that are packed with activities to engage bodies and minds in Arlington Heights and Libertyville, IL!


Getting your kids interested in sports and physical activity is a wonderful way to promote their overall well-being and set them up for a lifetime of healthy habits. By following the strategies mentioned in this blog post, you can ignite their interest in sports and physical activity and set them on a path toward a healthy lifestyle. If you're looking for an exceptional kids' day camp experience in Chicago's Northern suburbs, don't hesitate to contact us at Hot Ground Gym. Together, let's inspire our children to embrace sports and physical activity for a lifetime.

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